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Same-sex Divorce FAQ’S

But you’re here considering an Florida LGBT divorce lawyer, and you’re reading this, so you or someone you know is facing something for which no one is prepared: the end of a marriage.

When “til ‘Death do us part” no longer applies, and one or both of you are ready to call it quits, it can be hard to know where to begin.

You’re in the Right Place!

It’s even harder if you’re a member of the LGBT community and the same-sex divorce laws don’t take your needs into account.

Shouldn’t LGBT marriage equality mean that there is same-sex divorce equality, too?

Gay and lesbian spouses face unique challenges when seeking a divorce in Florida. They can easily fall victim to predatory lawyers or legal loopholes that can exploit the nuances of marriage equality.

Our team at Morgan Divorce Law Firm has been at the forefront of LGBT inclusivity and advocacy for years.

  • LGBT Contested Divorce
  • LGBT Uncontested Divorce
  • LGBT Marriage Mediation
  • LGBT Divorce Counseling
  • LGBT Cooperative Divorce
  • LGBT Collaborative Divorce

Even if your divorce is amicable and mutual, divorce laws were written for heterosexual couples and the legislation is still catching up. That isn’t right, or fair, or even intentional on the part of the state, so you have to navigate a more complex process than straight spouses.

Does equal marriage = an equal divorce? My article will help you learn more.


And my article here: LGBT Divorce & Marriage – If You Are About To Begin Your Same-Sex Marriage Or Divorce, Here’s What You Absolutely Must Know In Advance?


Our team at Morgan Divorce Law Firm has been on the forefront of LGBT inclusivity and advocacy for years.

We’ve spent years supporting equality through our clients and through our alliances, which include:

  • Equality Florida
  • Metropolitan Business Association Chamber of Commerce
  • One Florida Fund
  • Central Florida & South Florida Gay and Lesbian Legal Association

To that end, we’ve worked hard to stay up-to-date on the most recent case law and court rulings that could affect your divorce. That lets us speak directly to your concerns and give you the assistance you need to get through this complex and painful period in your life.

I know exactly how to deal with complex LGBT divorce issues in these situations.


I’m Andrea Morgan, your Florida LGBT divorce Lawyer… and I’d like to help.

I have a few spots open on my calendar for private, confidential same-sex divorce consultations here in Florida at no cost so email me using the quick form above or call me:


Relief is here! Let’s set up a time to talk.




Why You Need an LGBT Divorce Attorney in Florida?

New laws mean new challenges.


Florida just recently enacted LGBT marriage equality. Same-sex marriage became the law of the United States in United States v. Windsor in 2015, when the Supreme Court finally upheld what most of us already knew: Loves Wins.


Don’t worry, this isn’t about to become a history lesson. But this is important.


Florida was one of 13 states that, before 2015, were still holding to heteronormative legislation. Discriminatory laws stood, which means that, if you and your spouse moved to Florida after being married in another state or country, Florida would have refused your right to divorce.


We know that’s completely illogical. It’s also completely true.


Today, of course, Florida will allow you to divorce, provided you’ve lived in the state for at least six months before filing. But it can get pretty complex.

Before you divorce, these things have to happen:


  • A decision on how to divide assets, debts, and other property must be reached.
  • If spousal support is an issue in your case, a decision must be made regarding the amount of alimony payments.


Do you have children? Then you also must:


  • Decide on co-parenting and timesharing between parents.
  • Decide who will pay child support and how much will be paid.

If you and your spouse are in agreement on all of these things, we can proceed with an uncontested mediated divorcecooperative divorce, or collaborative divorce.


If one spouse refuses to cooperate, things get more complicated – and that’s before we get into the ways the law is still harder on LGBT couples.


We will get into that for you, though, and we’ll help you make it work. If you’re seeking an LGBT Divorce Lawyer in Florida, the Morgan Divorce Law Firm has you covered.

You’re just a phone call or email away from getting your life back if you are considering engaging the services of an LGBT divorce attorney in South or Central Florida.

Call me today or email me using the quick form on this page just above for a free consultation – because you deserve equal treatment in divorce as well as marriage.

Who’s in Your Corner?


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Same-sex Divorce in Florida

What unique challenges do LGBT couples face when seeking a divorce in Florida?

Gay and lesbian spouses encounter specific hurdles due to the evolving legal landscape and the nuances of marriage equality. Predatory lawyers and legal loopholes can exploit these complexities, making it vital to seek knowledgeable legal representation.

Does equal marriage guarantee equal divorce rights for LGBT couples?

While marriage equality is a significant step forward, divorce laws in Florida were primarily crafted for heterosexual couples. This discrepancy can complicate the divorce process for LGBT spouses, necessitating careful navigation and expert legal guidance.

How can an LGBT divorce attorney help navigate the complexities of divorce in Florida?

An experienced LGBT divorce attorney, such as those at Morgan Divorce Law Firm, can provide invaluable support and advocacy. By staying abreast of recent case law and court rulings, these attorneys can address the unique concerns of LGBT clients and ensure their rights are protected throughout the divorce process.

What legal considerations should LGBT couples be aware of when seeking a divorce in Florida?

Before filing for divorce, LGBT couples should consider various factors, including the division of assets, debts, and property, as well as spousal support and child custody arrangements. Reaching agreements on these matters is essential to facilitating a smoother divorce process.

What are the options for LGBT couples seeking an uncontested divorce in Florida?

For couples who can amicably resolve their same-sex divorce-related issues, options such as mediated divorce, uncontested divorce, cooperative divorce, or collaborative divorce may be suitable. These approaches prioritize cooperation and negotiation, leading to a more efficient and less adversarial divorce process.

How can one spouse’s refusal to cooperate impact the divorce process for LGBT couples?

If one spouse refuses to cooperate or reach agreements on key issues, the divorce process can become more complex and contentious. In such cases, skilled legal representation is crucial to navigate potential challenges and protect one’s rights.

How can individuals access free consultations with an LGBT divorce attorney in Florida?

At Morgan Divorce Law Firm, individuals can schedule private, confidential consultations with experienced LGBT divorce attorneys at no cost. Whether via phone or email, these consultations offer an opportunity to discuss one’s situation, receive personalized guidance, and explore legal options.

Why is it important for LGBT couples to seek legal representation during divorce proceedings?

Navigating the legal intricacies of divorce, especially for LGBT couples, requires specialized knowledge and expertise. By partnering with a knowledgeable LGBT divorce attorney, individuals can ensure their rights are safeguarded and their interests are represented effectively throughout the process.

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