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Collaborative Divorce

A Step-by-Step Guide Into A Collaborative Divorce in Florida

Let’s face it, lawyers are usually not psychologists or financial advisers.  Collaborative divorce was developed in response to a client’s need to be supported psychologically and financially, not just legally.  The emotional and financial components of a divorce are just as important as the legal aspect.

Collaborative divorce is a multi-disciplinary method of divorcing, meaning it takes more than one professional to help couples successfully navigate through their case.  Particularly if it involves high conflict in the financial arena or in the family dynamic.

The goal of collaborative divorce is to come to solutions about your finances and your family in a respectful, results’-focused setting – without a single court hearing and with minimizing emotional and psychological trauma to your family.

And most importantly to many, the process is completely confidential because it is not subject to the public record, as are traditional divorces through the court system.


The Morgan Divorce Law Firm collaborative divorce process respectfully and professionally resolve Florida family law issues such as:

  • Florida Divorces
  • Custody (Timesharing), Parental Responsibility, & Relocation issues
  • Child Support & Alimony
  • Identifying Marital & Nonmarital Interests in Real Property, Trusts, LLCs, and closely-held Family Businesses
  • Modification & Enforcement
  • Prenuptial Agreements & Postnuptial Agreements
  • Same-Sex/LGBTQ Divorce
  • Getting Your Fair Share of the Equity in a Marital Home
  • Division of Marital Assets and Debts

What Does the Collaborative Divorce Process Look Like in The State of Florida?


A unique attribute of a Florida collaborative divorce is you have a divorce team of multi-disciplinary professionals to assist and support the family throughout the divorce process.

This team consists of each party’s collaboratively-trained attorney, a neutral mental health professional, and a neutral financial expert. Other experts can be hired, such as appraisers, business valuators, or CPAs, depending on what your case requires. This collaborative divorce team offers professional legal, financial, and psychological advice while guiding you and your spouse throughout the process.

A unique attribute of a Florida collaborative divorce is you have a divorce team of multi-disciplinary professionals to assist and support the family throughout the divorce process. This team consists of each party’s collaboratively-trained attorney, a neutral mental health professional, and a neutral financial expert. Other experts can be hired, such as appraisers, business valuators, or CPAs, depending on what your case requires.  This collaborative divorce team offers professional legal, financial, and psychological advice while guiding you and your spouse throughout the process.

The mental health professional ensures effective communication and navigation with emotional triggers in your case, while the neutral financial expert collects data and educates you and your spouse on your financial options with the division of your marital assets and debts.


Why Chose a Florida Collaborative Divorce – 5-Simple Steps to Reach An Easy And Affordable Resolution

Step 1: Call For A Free Phone Consultation

An initial phone consultation to discuss your case is a crucial first step in determining whether the collaborative divorce process is best in your case. Andrea will review your case, goals, and preferred outcomes in detail.


Step 2: Team Work – Collaborative Divorce Team Selection

The family lawyer professionals at Morgan Divorce Law Firm will select a team of neutral professionals best suited to the dynamics of your case. With the team in place, both parties sign a Participation Agreement.

The Participation Agreement is a contract wherein the divorcing couple agrees to seek resolution seeks to resolve your case privately and outside of court.  If you have no children, the priority is that negotiations regarding the division of your marital assets and liabilities be civil and fair.

If you have children, your children are made top priority.  In either case, the Participation Agreement commits both spouses to shared solutions with option-building, and creates a positive future that preserves assets without the ignoring psychological and emotional health of the family.


Step 3: Gathering and Exchange of Information

Through their attorneys, divorcing spouses will exchange financial information regarding income, investments, and other debt/assets to resolve your financial disputes, including property settlement, child support, and spousal support.


Step 4: Signing of Collaborative Marital Settlement Agreement

The complete collaborative team then meets to discuss your family’s issues, interests, and goals. These meetings maintain a respectful, safe, and focused environment where you can express your concerns and questions about the impact of a decision post-divorce. Sometimes more than one meeting is needed to reach a full settlement of all issues.


Step 5: Signing of Collaborative Marital Settlement Agreement

After all negotiations are complete, you and your spouse review and sign a confidential Collaborative Marital Settlement Agreement. This is an enforceable contract which includes the terms of divorce or paternity mutually agreed upon during the meetings.  Unlike a traditional courthouse divorce, this document is not filed with the court; rather it is kept by the parties and their attorneys in the event future enforcement issues arise.

Once the CMSA is signed, your case is concluded and you are divorced.

Get the Guidance and Support You Need from a Collaborative Divorce Attorney Who Cares


If you think A Collaborative Divorce might be the right option for you and your family, schedule your Consultation today. With over two decades of experience, Andrea Morgan and the Morgan Divorce Law Firm have the skills and insight to listen to your needs and bring your case to a resolution with no battles nor appearances in court. Morgan Divorce Law Firm also offers a cost-effective, streamlined solutions for families called a ‘Cooperative Divorce’, which typically costs less than a collaborative divorce. You can learn about it here.

Take the first step towards your next chapter today by contacting Andrea at 1-877-930-8360   or [email protected].

To learn more about Collaborative Law, follow these informative links:

Andrea is a member of the Collaborative Family Law Group of Central Florida; the Collaborative Family Law Professionals of South Florida; and the Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals.

Be sure and view her directory listing on each platform.

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