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Orlando & Central Florida





255 South Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801

What can you accomplish with a qualified Orlando divorce mediation attorney?

Mediation has existed for over 30 years as a form of human conflict resolution. In divorce, divorce modification or paternity cases, the courts typically require mediation before a trial may commence.

Your Orlando divorce mediation is a confidential and non-adversarial process. The two of you are guided by an expert, unbiased mediator. This helps resolve your case without resorting to the judicial process.

In Central Florida counties, mediation is a required step in the legal proceedings of divorce or paternity cases.

By electing to participate in pre-suit mediation, control is in your hands rather than a judge who knows nothing of your family’s true needs or goals.


ten alleviates the fears you may have regarding your future as an unmarried individual or single parent. Divorce Resolution and closure happen far more rapidly than in a litigated divorce.

Mediation occurs outside the judicial system and is not public record as it would be in a court proceeding. This preserves privacy of the parties and the family. This process also places control of the proceedings in your hands, guided by our mediator, rather than a judge.

What Do We Discuss During and Orlando Divorce Mediation?

The spouses and/or parents meet with the mediator to discuss the issues in their case. All discussions are private and confidential.

Topics covered typically include property and asset division, spousal support, child support, resolution of parental responsibility (custody) and parental time-sharing (visitation) or post-dissolution modifications to an existing final judgment.

What is the Mediator’s Role?

As an expert in divorce law and paternity, negotiation and resolution, the mediator helps you focus on your future. This is paramount – concentrating on past or present conflict is counter-productive and destructive to the overall interests of the parties collectively and individually.

With our support and extensive experience, the mediator will analyze the legal issues that exist in your case and expertly guide you through the process. Helping you reach a resolution without the stress of a court battle is the goal of the mediator.

If a complete agreement cannot be reached, the issues that are resolved are reduced to writing, thereby saving expenses before you file in court. The remainder of any unresolved terms of your divorce may thereafter be resolved by a judge.


I’m Andrea Morgan, your divorce attorney here in Orlando.
I work with Central Florida residents to help them resolve their divorce concerns as painlessly as possible.

And because I’m a part of this community, I take care of my fellow Floridians.

I do not focus on billing more hours. I’m ready to provide the representation and attention you deserve while taking every opportunity to guide you through this process with minimum stress and anxiety.

That’s what helped me gain a solid 5-star rating with my clients.

Why don’t we chat to see if your case is eligible for my representation?

My consultations are FREE with NO strings attached, so click the button below or call me and we’ll set up a time to talk: 

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