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Uncontested Divorce Case and How the Coronavirus Crisis Affects Me?

An Orlando divorce attorney shares insights on how the Coronavirus impacts uncontested divorce cases as of March 25, 2020

Millions of Americans are currently enduring lockdown measures to mitigate potential coronavirus effects on uncontested divorce cases. This has led to concerns among many clients and individuals regarding the impact of the crisis on pending divorces.

Furthermore, individuals who were on the verge of filing for divorce before the outbreak are now questioning whether they should wait for months or even longer to proceed.

However, it’s important to note that this crisis may not disrupt your divorce proceedings at all. Your uncontested divorce case can continue without any interruptions.

Thanks to internet technology, divorce attorneys and mediators can utilize e-portal court filing systems to file divorce cases and all necessary legal documents remotely in Orlando and throughout Florida. The Florida Courts E-Filing Portal enables authorized subscribers to initiate or continue divorce cases until finalization.

So, despite quarantines, courthouse closings, and county shutdowns, you can rest assured that your uncontested divorce proceedings will proceed smoothly. If you have any questions or concerns about how the coronavirus outbreak could affect your uncontested divorce case, feel free to reach out to your attorney for guidance and assistance.

During these trying times, you do not need to set aside your personal goals or sanity.

Thanks to internet technology.

In Orlando and throughout Florida, an e-portal court filing system enables authorized subscribers to file divorce cases and all necessary legal documents remotely.

Florida Courts E-Filing Portal allows attorneys and mediators to initiate or continue divorce cases until finalization.

Orlando Florida Divorce – How the e-portal works:

courthouse uncontested divorce case

Your attorney or mediator logs into and accesses the e-filing center.

Your attorney or divorce mediator then selects the county where your case is filed.

uncontested divorce case in Florida

After selecting the correct county, your attorney or mediator uploads the required legal document in your case.

It’s that easy, and 100 percent remote.

You can rest assured that your divorce proceedings will continue smoothly despite quarantines, courthouse closings, and county shutdowns.

It’s essential to underscore the potential impact of contested divorce proceedings that are undergoing court litigation. In such cases, the current crisis may result in significant delays or even the temporary suspension of proceedings.

Now, let’s delve deeper into the specifics:

  • For individuals currently navigating uncontested divorce proceedings and employing methods such as mediation, cooperative divorce, or collaborative divorce, there’s a silver lining amidst the crisis. Your case remains unaffected, allowing for a smooth continuation of the process without disruptions.
  • Similarly, those contemplating the initiation of uncontested divorce proceedings utilizing mediation, cooperation, or collaboration can proceed with confidence. The crisis poses no hindrance to the progress of your case, ensuring a seamless experience throughout.
  • However, for individuals presently embroiled in contested divorce proceedings that necessitate the involvement of a family law judge, the landscape may be more uncertain. It’s likely that the crisis will exert an influence on these cases, potentially extending their duration and affecting the quality of the process.

It’s imperative to remain informed and prepared amidst these challenging times. Seeking guidance from a trusted legal professional can provide clarity and assistance in navigating the complexities of divorce proceedings during this crisis.

If you have any questions about mediated divorce, cooperative divorce, or collaborative divorce, rest assured I am working to provide you with as much up-to-date information as possible regarding the effect (if any) that the tragic Covid-19 outbreak could have on your divorce.

Navigating Your Uncontested Divorce Amidst Covid-19

Understanding the Impact

Rest assured, I’m actively providing the latest information on Covid-19’s impact on your uncontested divorce case. If you have questions about mediated divorce, cooperative divorce, or collaborative divorce, I’m here to help.

Addressing Concerns

In these uncertain times, individuals undergoing uncontested divorce proceedings may worry about the effect of Covid-19. Staying informed is crucial during this period.

Legal Guidance and Support

As a legal professional, I understand the importance of keeping you updated. My goal is to guide you through these challenging circumstances with ease.

Prioritizing Your Well-being

I aim to provide accurate information on how Covid-19 may affect your case. Your well-being is my priority throughout this process.

Offering Assistance

Feel free to reach out if you need assistance with adjusting timelines or exploring alternatives. I’m here to support you and address your concerns.

Ensuring Clarity

Whether it’s understanding changes in court procedures or legal requirements, I’ll ensure you have the information you need. Your peace of mind is important to me as we navigate this together.

Continuous Support

As the Covid-19 outbreak continues to evolve, it’s natural to have questions about its impact on your uncontested divorce case. I’m committed to providing you with timely updates and guidance to help you make informed decisions.

Stress-Free Navigation

Navigating divorce proceedings can be stressful, especially during a global crisis. That’s why I’m here to provide you with the support and assistance you need to navigate this process smoothly.

You’re Not Alone

Remember, you’re not alone in this. Together, we’ll work through any challenges that arise and ensure that your uncontested divorce case progresses as smoothly as possible, despite the current circumstances.

I’m here if you need to call or email me with questions or concerns.


[1] In the Supreme Court, use of the e-Filing Portal became mandatory on April 1, 2013. Read the Order.


[3] Florida Supreme Court Administrative Order AOSC20-15 regarding Covid-19

[4] citation Mom’s House, Dad’s House, Author Isolina Ricci PhD, updated 2016]