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Gen X Marriage Trends and Declining Divorce Rates in America

When I first began practicing, the landscape of marriage and family life was already changing, but the pace has only accelerated over the years. In my work, I’ve noticed that many of my clients, whether they are Millennials, Gen Xers, or Baby Boomers, approach divorce differently depending on the time they married, their life experiences, and the current social norms.

As a divorce attorney in Central Florida, I’ve seen firsthand how marriage and divorce trends have shifted across generations, and there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to divorce. Much like how marriages have changed, so have the reasons people seek legal guidance. If you’re considering divorce or even just curious about divorce trends, I think it’s important to understand how generational shifts and societal changes impact both marriage and divorce.

How Generational Shifts Shape Marriage and Divorce Rates

Gen X

As a divorce attorney in Central Florida, I’ve had the privilege of guiding many clients through the challenges of divorce, and what I’ve seen is that each generation brings its own unique approach to marriage and, subsequently, divorce. One of the most significant generational shifts I’ve observed is how clients from different age groups view the timing of marriage and the role of financial independence in relationships.

In particular, Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980) has been one of the most interesting groups to work with due to their delayed approach to marriage and their focus on career advancement. However, despite entering marriage later in life and with a strong sense of financial security, many Gen Xers still face the complexities of high-value asset division during divorce.

Delayed Marriage and the Challenges of High-Value Divorces

One of the key characteristics of Generation X is their tendency to delay marriage. Unlike their Baby Boomer parents, many Gen Xers focused on higher education and career advancement before settling down. By the time they got married, many had already established significant financial portfolios, including real estate investments, retirement accounts, and business ventures.

When I work with Generation X clients facing divorce, they often come to me with questions about how to protect and divide their assets. This generation is typically financially savvy and well-versed in its rights. However, it is also understandably concerned about ensuring its financial future remains secure after the divorce.

One of the major factors contributing to the complexity of these divorces is the high value of the assets at stake. Unlike younger generations who may not yet have built significant wealth, many Generation X clients have spent decades growing their investments, properties, and businesses. For these clients, dividing assets isn’t just about splitting a bank account—there are often substantial portfolios, retirement accounts, and even businesses involved.

Complex Asset Division

High asset divorces require an in-depth understanding of asset division, and this is where having an experienced divorce attorney in Central Florida is crucial. When clients come to me with complex financial portfolios, they are often concerned about how their property will be divided. Florida is an equitable distribution state, meaning that marital assets are divided in a way that is fair, but not necessarily equal. This often leads to detailed negotiations over assets such as homes, investment properties, retirement accounts, and even intellectual property.

For instance, many of my clients have business interests—whether it’s a company they founded or investments in multiple businesses. One of the challenges in a high value divorce is determining the value of these businesses and deciding how they will be divided. Sometimes, one spouse may buy out the other’s share, while in other cases, the business is sold, and the proceeds are divided. In all of these situations, accurate valuations and strategic planning are essential.

I’ve seen many cases where the division of a business can become a sticking point, especially when both spouses contributed to the business’s growth. I work closely with financial experts, accountants, and business valuators to ensure that my client’s interests are fully protected and that the division is handled fairly.

Real Estate and Investment Portfolios

Another area that frequently arises in high-asset divorces is real estate. Many Generation X couples have built impressive real estate portfolios, often including primary residences, vacation homes, and rental properties. Dividing these properties can be particularly complex, especially when emotions are tied to the family home or when there are significant tax implications associated with the sale or transfer of property.

In my practice, I take a strategic approach to real estate division. Sometimes, one spouse may wish to keep the family home, while the other may prefer to sell it and split the proceeds. Other times, there may be concerns about the value of rental or investment properties and how to divide them in a way that maximizes financial benefit. These decisions require a detailed understanding of both real estate law and the financial landscape, which is why having a divorce attorney who is experienced in high-value asset cases is so important.

In addition to real estate, many Generation X clients have large investment portfolios, including stocks, bonds, and retirement accounts. These assets can be challenging to divide, especially if they include tax-deferred accounts like 401(k)s or IRAs. When handling these cases, I work to ensure that my clients receive their fair share without incurring unnecessary tax penalties. I also help clients develop a plan for dividing these assets in a way that ensures long-term financial stability.

Valuing and Dividing Retirement Assets

For many Generation X clients, retirement savings are a major concern during divorce. After years of diligently contributing to 401(k)s, IRAs, and pension plans, they want to ensure that their hard-earned retirement funds are divided equitably. However, dividing retirement accounts can be tricky, especially when there are complex tax implications involved.

When dividing retirement assets, I often work with financial planners and tax advisors to ensure that my clients receive their fair share without losing a large portion of their retirement savings to taxes or penalties. In some cases, a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is required to divide certain types of retirement accounts. The goal is to ensure that both parties walk away with the financial resources they need to move forward, without jeopardizing their future.

Protecting High-Value Assets in Divorce

One of the most frequent questions I receive from Generation X clients is how they can protect their high-value assets during divorce. Whether it’s a business, real estate holdings, or retirement savings, they want to ensure that the division of assets doesn’t leave them financially vulnerable.

In high-value divorces, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements can be valuable tools for protecting assets. While not everyone has these agreements in place, I work with clients to review their existing agreements (if applicable) and determine how they will impact the division of assets. For those without prenuptial agreements, I develop strategies that protect their wealth during the divorce process, focusing on equitable division and minimizing financial loss.

It’s important to plan carefully for business owners, particularly divorcees. Divorcing business owners often worry about how the divorce will affect their company’s operations, finances, and future growth. By working closely with business valuators and financial experts, I help clients develop strategies for dividing business interests in a way that ensures the business’s future success while also providing fair compensation to both parties.

The Role of a Divorce Attorney in High-Value Divorces

In any high-asset divorce, having a divorce attorney who is experienced in complex asset division is critical. As someone who has worked with numerous Generation X clients, I understand the unique challenges they face. These divorces often require more than just legal expertise—they demand a comprehensive understanding of finances, business, and tax law.

By partnering with experts in financial planning, accounting, and business valuation, I ensure that my clients have the information and resources they need to make informed decisions. My goal is to protect their financial future while minimizing the emotional strain of the divorce process.

High-value divorces, particularly those involving Generation X clients, come with unique challenges and complexities. From dividing businesses and real estate to protecting retirement savings, these cases require careful planning and expert legal guidance. As a divorce attorney in Central Florida, my role is to help my clients navigate these challenges with confidence, ensuring that their financial interests are protected and their future remains secure.

If you’re considering divorce and have concerns about protecting your assets, I’m here to help. With the right legal guidance, you can move through the process with clarity and control, ready to start the next chapter of your life on solid financial footing.


Millennials make up a large portion of my current clients. What’s unique about this generation is their deliberate approach to marriage. They’ve continued to delay tying the knot even further than Generation X, often waiting until their late 20s or 30s. Many of my Millennial clients are surprised to learn that their generation has a lower divorce rate compared to previous ones. I believe this cautious approach to marriage, along with financial stability and shifting societal views, contributes to their lower divorce rates.

When Millennials do come to me for a divorce, they often value collaboration and want to handle things as amicably as possible. This generation prioritizes emotional intelligence and seeks solutions that are fair for both parties. If you’re a Millennial and considering a divorce, working with a divorce attorney in Orlando who understands the importance of communication and fairness can make a huge difference. I always emphasize the need for a balanced, thoughtful approach to ensure a smoother process.

Gen Alpha

As a divorce attorney, I’ve seen many generational shifts, and I’m eager to see what marriage and divorce will look like for Generation Alpha. While it’s too early to make definitive predictions, I expect that this generation will continue to delay marriage, perhaps even more than Millennials. They’ll likely be influenced by the same economic and societal factors that shaped the Millennials’ approach to marriage and family life.

Factors Behind Divorce Rates 

The Economy.

I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve seen whose marriages were heavily influenced by financial factors. Whether it’s during an economic downturn or times of personal financial strain, money issues tend to exacerbate underlying marital problems. Over the years, I’ve worked with clients who waited to marry until they were more financially stable, and this often contributes to a more secure, long-lasting marriage. However, for those facing financial hardship, divorce can sometimes feel like the only option.

The Way Society Looks at Marriage and Divorce Today

One of the biggest changes I’ve noticed in my career is how much societal attitudes towards marriage and divorce have evolved. When I first started practicing, divorce still carried a significant stigma. Today, divorce is viewed more as a personal decision, rather than a moral failing. People are more accepting of cohabitation, singlehood, and non-traditional family structures. This shift has made it easier for my clients to make decisions that are right for them without feeling judged.

Education and Career 

Education plays a huge role in when and why people marry or divorce. In my experience, the more education someone has, the more likely they are to delay marriage. Many of my clients, especially women, want to establish their careers before even thinking about marriage. When they do decide to divorce, their goals are clear—they want to protect their assets and ensure their hard-earned financial success is safeguarded.

If you’re balancing career aspirations with the end of a marriage, having a knowledgeable divorce attorney in Central Florida can help ensure your rights are protected. I always encourage my clients to consider how their careers and assets will be impacted by divorce and help them plan accordingly.

Perception of Divorce in America

People often come into my office assuming the divorce rate is still 50%, but that’s not the case anymore. Divorce rates have been steadily declining, particularly among younger generations who marry later and more thoughtfully. That said, divorce is still a reality for many couples, and understanding the factors that contribute to these trends is key to navigating your own marriage or divorce.

Geographic and Economic Variations

I’ve also seen how where you live can impact your divorce experience. Divorce rates tend to vary significantly across different regions, and the economic conditions of your area can make a difference in whether or not couples stay together. In Central Florida, where I practice, economic pressures can sometimes lead to higher divorce rates, especially in areas hit hard by financial instability. Regardless of the situation, finding the right divorce attorney in Orlando can help you face these challenges head-on with confidence.

How I Can Help You

As your attorney, my role is to guide you through one of the most difficult times of your life. Whether you’re a Baby Boomer facing a complex divorce or a Millennial looking for a collaborative approach, I’ve seen it all and know how to tailor my services to fit your needs.

Divorce is not a one-size-fits-all experience. It’s deeply personal and can affect every aspect of your life, from your finances to your emotional well-being. That’s why it’s important to work with someone who not only understands the legal landscape but also appreciates the emotional toll divorce can take.

If you’re considering divorce or just want to understand your options, reach out to me, Andrea Morgan, at Morgan Divorce Law. Whether you need a divorce attorney in Central Florida or more specifically in Orlando, I’m here to provide the expertise and compassion you deserve during this difficult time.


Marriage and divorce are evolving as society changes, and each generation faces its own set of challenges. From delayed marriages to lower divorce rates, there are many factors at play. If you’re considering a divorce, remember that you don’t have to go through it alone. I’m here to guide you every step of the way, with personalized strategies that work for you.

Let’s start with a conversation—your future begins with the right legal advice.

Resources for Divorce Statistics and Trends

If you’re interested in learning more about divorce rates, marriage trends, and generational shifts, here are some reliable sources that provide comprehensive data and insights:

Government Agencies

  • National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS): The NCHS, a part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), offers detailed data on marriage and divorce rates in the United States. Their reports are invaluable for understanding national trends. 
  • U.S. Census Bureau: The Census Bureau provides demographic data, including information on marital status, divorce rates, and other key statistics related to families across the country.

Research Organizations

  • Pew Research Center: A nonpartisan research organization that regularly publishes reports on social trends, including those related to marriage, cohabitation, and divorce. 
  • The Institute for Family Studies: This research organization focuses on issues surrounding family life, including marriage and divorce trends. Their data and analysis provide a deeper understanding of the social and economic factors influencing these trends.

Academic Journals

  • Demography: A leading academic journal that publishes research on population studies, including marriage and divorce. It offers valuable insights for those studying the social sciences. 
  • Journal of Family Issues: This journal focuses on family-related research, often featuring studies on divorce trends, relationship dynamics, and societal changes affecting families.

Additional Resources

  • State-Level Data: Many states publish their own marriage and divorce statistics. Check your local state health department’s website for more specific data. 
  • County-Level Data: Some counties also provide detailed information on marriage and divorce rates, offering a more localized look at trends.

By consulting these resources, you can gain a better understanding of how marriage and divorce patterns have evolved over time. They provide valuable context for both national trends and more focused data based on region, age, or economic conditions.